As a salesperson, it is very common to speak with a prospect that doesn’t automatically open up to you, continue a conversation, openly communicate or answer all of your questions immediately. 
A salesperson’s success depends on his ability to get and keep the prospect talking so you can find out what the prospects needs and wants really are. This will help you as the salesperson to be able to correctly and effectively help them with those needs and wants. 
There are plenty of videos, webcasts and articles on this subject within the SELLability Membership. But, here are some sample questions to help you get the prospect talking. There are so many more variations of these, but these are the basic questions:

  1. What was it that inspired you to come in again? (or call?)
  2. What motivated you to inquire about our products or services today?
  3. How long have you been thinking of buying our products or services?
  4. What has been your past prior experience with a similar product or service?
  5. Have you ever used a produce like this one?
  6. How long have you had the problem?
  7. What problems have you experienced using a similar product or service?
  8. What would the ideal product or service do for you?
  9. What are you trying to achieve?
  10. What prevented you from purchasing it so far?