1. Watch the How-to-Video “What is Positive Control?”
  2. Use a high level of Control in your step-by-step sales process. Understand that positive control is YOUR ability to steer your prospect in the right direction, at the same time allowing them to attain a high level of self-belief that they are actually going in the right direction due to their own efforts. For example; a salesperson with little or no control would be inclined to ask a prospect; “…would you like to take a look at the xyz model?” A salesperson properly trained in using Control would say; “Why don’t we take a look at the features in the XYZ model, I have a feeling they’re exactly what you’re looking for” AND then getting the prospect’s agreement to do so.
  3. Be willing to ask tough questions. For example; “We never did discuss your budget, so before I show you something that exceeds what you have in mind can we talk about that for a moment?”
  4. Ask questions such as; “(Prospect’s name) just out of curiosity what made you decide to move forward today?” Acknowledge what the prospect said and use their answer to steer the sales process in the right direction.
  5. After having these conversations with the prospect, take note (write down if need be) what he or she answered to your question(s) and how you responded. Note any errors you made in steering the prospect in the right direction and correct them next time you speak with a future prospect. Conversely, if it went well, note what you did do right and ensure that you keep doing what worked!